Friday, December 4, 2009

A Panocturne from the Death Valley trek

Image Copyright 2009 Tim Baskerville

Panoramic NPy of Porters Brothers Store in Rhyolite, NV - done on our recent Full Moon Night Photography Workshop in Death Valley. Medium format, Fuji Tungsten-balanced slide film. More on our DV Flickr Group.

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

Use panoramas to open up tight spaces

Quick link here - to a how-to-pano piece by Rick Sammon (from the current issue of Digital Photo magazine).

Image Copyright Rick Sammon

As Rick points out, we usually see panos used to interpret the 'grand' expanse of land/cityscapes, but they can be extremely useful and effective in less expansive environments.

(from The Nocturnes NightNews feed)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Asking the tough questions . . .

As is the case many times, interesting presentation/discussion over at Mark Hobsons's The Landscapist Blog these days - here, here, and there.

Man +/-? nature # 1

Some very thought-provoking comments around some unusual diptychs there. With unequal proportions (one image being roughly 2:1, the second 1:1 providing a 'broken' - by the dividing frameline, at least - panorama). The work is of the usual high standards, the main question is: Are the graphics ( + / - ? ) necessary? I'm thinking not, but I'm torn - this is a common dilemma among artists - do you 'hammer home' the idea (your point, agenda, political, environmental, whatever) or does one leave it more up to the individual viewer - ask the tough questions, and leave it at that. More questions than answers.

For instance, when The Nocturnes presented "The Nocturnes: Not Ready to Make Nice" (our most overtly political show to date), participants stayed away in droves, which is kind of ironic, given the hoopla around the Dixie Chicks, Ms. Maines earlier comments, and the subsequent song, NRTMN. One might describe the situation as another case of "Just Shut Up & Photograph."

What do you think?

(from The Nocturnes NightNews feed)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Your subconscious, there on the periphery . . .

Fascinating series of posts lately on The Landscapist Blog, courtesy of Aaron Hobson, SOL (Son of Landscapist) investigating among other things: the subconscious elements that 'come out' upon viewing our photographs. He asks questions like: Do you preplan images? Do you storyboard? Have you noticed any elements in your photographs that were placed there subconciously?

From Aaron Hobson's "dreams of end days" series

In the earlier entries, Aaron also points to a handful of photographers who proved inspirations to him, all doing panoramic work, his brand of story-telling. The work of one in particular, Nuri Bilg Ceylan - in his series "cinemascopes" - is definitely worth a look or two.

Country road at dusk, by Nuri Bilg Ceylan

All this is doubly interesting in that Aaron's work came to our attention around the time his father Mark Hobson juried The Nocturnes Biennial in 2008, and was an early harbinger of our complete fascination with this genre of photography (and with its inevitable association with NPy - Night Photography). From this, the concept of The Panocturnists was borne - the exhibit, the Web site, the community. Enjoy your travels . . .

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Panocturnists - NEWS

The Deadline to Submit work to The Panocturnists has been extended to January 30, 2010! Submissions now being accepted to this, our 21st Online Exhibition of NPy! Judged by Chris Faust.

Visit for more details as they become available.

And, keep connecting with other Panocturnists at this Flickr group.

"Think it's time to broaden our horizons a bit."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Panocturnists

Welcome to The Panocturnists Blog! We plan to dredge the nocturnal corners of the World W I D E Web in search of haunting, borders-extending NPy in the panoramic format, captured and/or constructed, on film or digital media. In the future, look here for timely updates, new technology reports, and information on time-saving techniques.

An initial online Exhibition - The Panocturnists - juried by Chris Faust whose brilliant book, Nocturnes provided the impetus for this fascination with, and study of the Panocturne will be launched sometime this summer. To view the prospectus, along with an entryform to submit work just go here.

Visit for more details as they become available.

And, keep connecting with other Panocturnists at this Flickr group.

"Think it's time to broaden our horizons a bit."