Friday, January 29, 2010

Shooting Panoramas at Night

 Waiting at the Crossing, Lincoln, NE 1993 — by Chris Faust

Check out Joe Reifer's Blog -"Shooting Panoramas at Night: A Contest, and Gear Meditation." BTW, the Contest he's referring to is our very own: The Panocturnists - and the discussion of the limitations of Pano-NPy, with an extensive hardware survey, is excellent.

BTW2, Deadline for entries - by fax or email - to The Panocturnists is TOMORROW, January 30! Entry form is here. Look foreward to hearing from you.

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Panocturnists

Today, on his Night Photography Blog, Andy Frazer really digs into the topic of "Panocturnes" - Panoramic Night Photography - an area that sits at "the intersection of two unusual segments of photography." Discussing (dismissing?) the trend toward "ultra-long' night photographs, Mr. Frazer further points out that while Panoramic NPy presents challenges, it also can present opportunities (like The Panocturnists, perhaps?).

Mare Island Panocturne by Andy Frazer

He also provides some links to some of the more visible practitioners of the genre (is it too early to call it that?), on the World W I D E Web, including our own Joe Reifer.

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne