Thursday, February 18, 2010

Take in . . . The Panocturnists!

Intake by Troy Paiva

The Panocturnists, our 21st Online Exhibit of NPy (and the reason for this Blog, the Flickr Group, etc.) is NOW LIVE! Have a look-see and leave a comment here - tell us what you think, what improvements could be made, rant if you want!

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Panocturnist Study

The image below, "Brick Wall and Fence, Railroad Avenue," appeared on Dan Mitchell's Blog the other day - linked here. From a Mare Island (MINSy) shoot from a few weeks back, done in partnership with the SF Bay Flyway Festival

This image rather nicely combines three (3) areas of Photography that we just love - Night Photography (NPy), B/W photos, and the panoramic format. Oh-h! - did I mention it was done on Mare Island - make that FOUR!

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's the Lens, baby . . .

Released last October, the introduction of a Fisheye Optic by the Lensbaby folks - moving, as they say "beyond the realm of selective focus . . ." - offers photographers a Creative Effects SLR lens system. Specifically, the Fisheye features an ultra-wide 12mm focal length, 160 degree fisheye angle of view from infinity all the way down to one-inch from the front of the lens. That should do it!

Read review of lens here.

From The [not so] Daily Nocturne